Here is a brief list of hotels in Santiago, Dominican Republic that you might consider for a stay in this fine city. Some sources imply that accommodation in Santiago is thin-on-the-ground, but there are in fact quite a lot of hotels around the city. They can vary in quality though.
There is only one five star hotel in Santiago, Dominican Republic, but if that is beyond your means there are several decent quality hotels (some 'related' by brand to the five star El Almirante).
Here are a few hotels and their respective phone numbers you could call for a quote:
Hotel el Gran Almirante
Phone Number:(809) 580-1992
5 Stars, the top class, and top prices accommodation in the City of Santiago. Swimming pool, tennis courts, all the luxuries!
Hotel Aloha Sol
Phone Number:(809) 583-0090
A well regarded choice in the business-hoteal area of Calle de Sol. Better than average value.
Hotel Ambar
Phone Number:(809) 575-1957
Reasonable prices, and average rooms -- but a bit out of the center.
Hotel Camp David Ranch
Phone Number:(809) 276-6400
An interesting choice for history buffs. An ex-rural retreat of the Domincan dictator Trujillo now provides a roomy and impressive hotel, and comfy rooms with great views -- but out on the edge of the City -- not central.
Hodelpa Centro Plaza
Phone Number:(809) 581-7000
In the same chain as El Gran Almirante -- but less expensive, and without all the bells and whistle. But a nicely apponted and conveniently situated hotel for all that.
Hotel Colonial
Phone Number:(809) 247-3122
Budget hotel with friendly staff. Well worth a look.
Hotel Del Parque
Phone Number:(809) 587-9960
Bora Bora Aparta Hotel
Phone Number:(809)570-7000
Hotel la Rotanda
Phone Number:(809) 575-1210
Hotel La Sorpresa
Phone Number: (809) 583-6561
Hotel Platino
Phone Number: (809) 724-7576
Hotel Puerto Rico
Phone Number:(809) 582-6748
Hotel Santiago Plaza
Phone Number:(809) 581-7480
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