Looking for Missing Persons in Haiti? Haiti Missing Persons and Donations Links
Haiti Missing Person resources -- links created through Google: Are you looking for a missing person in Haiti?
Do you have information about anyone following the earthquake in Haiti? Please follow the appropriate link, below:
Donating to Help Haiti You can donate now to major charitable relief agencies via Google's Crisis Relief page (click on image below).  Or choose one of the following options:
Also accepting cash and in-kind donations are the following sites: Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, UNICEF (1-800-4UNICEF), Direct Relief, Yele Haiti, Partners in Health, Red Cross, World Food Program, Mercy Corps (1-888-256-1900), Save the Children, Lambi Fund, Doctors Without Borders, The International Rescue Committee, Care, William J. Clinton Foundation, Meds & Food For Kids, Feed the Children, Habitat for Humanity, Mayor's Fund for NYC
How to Help Haiti -- Additional Useful Pages to Visit:
Charity Navigator -- Lists Genuine Charities:
CNN's Resources and Advice Page:

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